Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ah, another visitor. Stay a while. Stay forever.

After a few years of downtime, I've decided that I'm going to get back into the blogging world.

This is day one of my new blog experiment, and we'll see how it works at this point. So if you're reading this, welcome! You can say in the future that you were there, right from the beginning of things.

What's the Title About?

So this is actually my second blog with the name "20 on the die." I'm moving it over to blogger to better align with our new Google overlords because it offers me a better ability to upload podcasts, which I intend to do on a monthly basis. Look for the first one in September, technical difficulties notwithstanding. So the blog is titled "20 on the Die," and a bit of explanation is in order.

This is a nerd/gaming blog, so I expect most if not all of my readers have played a little Dungeons and Dragons. I have this particular friend who, when he makes a die roll that ends up as a 20, announces it as "20 on the die!!!" with a degree of fanfare and excitement that breaks up even an otherwise monotonous game session. That's what this blog is designed to do to your week: wake up the nerd in you, the way that only a 20 can!

So What's the Schedule for Updates?

Right now, my plan is to update on Monday and Friday. Monday's updates will be RPG and gaming related. Friday's updates will be pop culture and generally nerd related. Two updates a week? Sounds optimistic. I'm going to work out a schedule about what you can expect as things go forward, but to quote one of my heroes, there's no plan yet, I'm making this up as I go along.

First Contest

One of the things I want to do is have at least a monthly contest on the blog. The prizes will be the infamous 20OnTheDie No-Prize, along with the accolades of the legions of adoring fans the blog is going to develop. The first contest is pretty simple: Tell me what the title of this blog post is referring to. Now I know if the second decade of this new millennium, there are easy ways to find out all about this, but there's a requirement that I'm going to put out, and that brings us to our first sponsor for the blog:
 We're BING: please use us!
That's right, Microsoft heard about my new blog and is sponsoring it through bing. I know, exciting, right? So if you want to cheezily search out your answer to the contest, you have to use bing.  Any other search engine, excepting Alta Vista will immediately disqualify you. How will I know? Oh, I'll know, that I promise you. Actually, using any search engine for this particular contest is especially sad: you should lose 10 quatloos of if you didn't recognize it immediately.

Your Homework

This blog is also unique in that it has homework. Yours is to check out Vorpal Chainsword, especially their review of Shadows of Brimstone, the new boardgame we're going to talk about on Monday. Failure to read it will go on your permanent record!

 See everyone Friday for the first 20OnTheDie Month in Review. What mysteries will we uncover that man was not meant to know about? See for yourself. And Make Mine 20!


  1. Wow, Commodore 64 game for the win. I was always more of a Congo Bongo man myself, but that game was Impossible to beat, because it just looped the game after you finished the last Mission.

  2. And the Cyberninja wins the first official 20OntheDie No Prize!
