Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Quickfire: Project Gutenberg and the King In Yellow

Hail to the King!

As the my Sith plans to celebrate my next successful revolution around the sun continue, I wanted to make sure to still have an update for you.

Since it's October, many of you are doubtless thinking about Halloween and other scary things.

I wanted to share a link with you to something that's very appropriate for this time of year.

Project Gutenberg, a site that if you don't know about you should stop and immediately check out, hosts free e-books in a wide variety of formats for books that are old enough to be outside of copyright protection.

I was browsing through there the other day, and found that they host many of Robert Chambers books. Who's he? An author that contributed to the Cthulhu mythos, that's who.

If you are one of the fans of HBO's True Detective that was wondering what all that stuff about Carsosa was all about, I bring you Robert Chambers The King in Yellow. This will be especially important to those of you who watched True Detective with me or my fellow blogger over at the Vorpal Chainsword, only to have us talk about "Carcosa" in the creepiest voices we could manage.

So what's it all about? Check it out on Project Gutenberg and find out.

And you should especially read about it late at night, in a spooky old house with no one around.

That would be perfect.

Hopefully I will be back with a big article on Friday, so until then, Make Mine 20!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Game Balance: Threat or Menace?

First in a series.

Angry before it was cool.
Welcome to my Threat or Menace series where I talk about issues that are controversial in gaming. In case  you’re wondering, “Threat or Menace?” is taken from the desk of J. Jonah Jameson, who frequently writes after Spiderman would do something to save all of New York from certain destruction:


That's my source and inspiration for this series of editorials. This is my series where I’ll get as close to being political as ever in 20OnTheDie. It’s also where I won’t shy away from a fight. As always, I appreciate comments, so let’s get a discussion started.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

13th Age Campaign Session III: Dream Master: a Love Story

13 Age Campaign Session III -- Dream Master: a Love Story

Note: sadly, Teri Hatcher will not be appearing in this session.

The group, in possession of a cart, and twelve rapidly cooling bodies of the Ratsmashers considered how they were going to make their move against the Dream Master.

Dragur’s shadow had done a thorough reconnaissance of the theater and the group knew there were a dozen gang members inside, along with the mysterious Dream Master. A frontal assault seemed unlikely to succeed, especially considering how hurt they were at the moment.

It was at that moment that Alarendel calmly walked up to them “hey guys, wha’d I miss?” And then he saw the bodies. “a lot, apparently.”

“So where were you?” asked Dragur.

“Attending to an important … ritual ... forgive me.”